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The Hero's Journey: Crafting Stories that Empower Victims and Challenge Bullies


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The Hero's Journey: Crafting Stories that Empower Victims and Challenge Bullies
by: Priyanka Raha ~10/26/2023

A guide on how to utilize the classic 'Hero's Journey' storytelling structure to address and counteract bullying themes.


In a world where bullying remains a dark shadow in schools, communities, and online platforms, the power of narrative stands as a beacon of hope. Recent research published in medical journals have proven the benefits of reframing your life as a hero’s journey. The transformative power of storytelling can not only serve as a refuge but as a proactive tool to arm the victim with resilience, offering the bully a mirror, and, most importantly, changing the paradigm where empathy, understanding, and courage take center stage. By exploring the quintessential 'Hero’s Journey,' we unveil the process of crafting narratives that resonate on a deeper emotional level, providing solace and strength to victims while humanizing the figure of the bully. These stories have the power to transcend the pages, offering real-world strategies for empowerment and initiating a compelling dialogue that challenges the very roots of bullying.

Utilizing the four stages of the hero's journey can provide an effective way to fight bullyism, affecting not just the victim but the bully as well. Studies has shown that by the time we are in our early 20s we have developed a narrative identity, embracing a continually evolving life story. This insight emphasizes the importance of exposing young minds to the constructive framework of a Hero’s journey, they begin to interpret their personal narratives through a lens of purpose and resilience, irrespective of their previous life perceptions. This process enhances their sense of meaning, empowering them to reshape their interactions and responses to challenging circumstances.

Let’s look at how each stage of the hero's journey can be used to develop strategies to combat bullying.

Call to Adventure

The initial stage starts in an ‘Ordinary World’, often depicting the daily struggles of someone facing bullying, thus laying the groundwork for empathy and recognition. Often this individual who endures bullying encounters a situation that disrupts their everyday life, signaling a call to change. This disruption could be a new form of harassment or a realization that they can't continue living in fear. Here, educators and storytellers can help the individual recognize these moments as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. They can encourage students to step out of their comfort zones, offering support and tools they might need to face bullying. For instance, this could involve reaching out to a trusted adult, standing up to the bully, or seeking support from peers.

Supreme Ordeal or Initiation

This stage represents the protagonist's confrontation with the bullying. It's the point where they face their biggest fear directly, which, in the context of bullying, may involve standing up to the bully or publicly sharing their story. This critical moment could be facilitated through role-playing activities in the classroom, where students act out different responses to bullying scenarios. It allows them to experience various outcomes in a safe environment, building their confidence, and preparing them for real-life confrontations. If you are at home, this part of the story can lead to deeper conversations about facing challenges and strategizing ways to confront them and overcome them.

Unification or Transformation

Post-confrontation, the individual undergoes a transformation. This stage is crucial for victims of bullying, signifying a reclaiming of power and restoration of self-esteem. Storytellers and educators can emphasize this transformation by celebrating the individual's bravery, offering positive reinforcement, and acknowledging their journey. For example, educators can initiate classroom discussions about empathy, personal growth, and the importance of self-worth, solidifying the protagonist's transformation into a figure of resilience.

Road Back or Hero's Return

In the final phase, the protagonist, having conquered their fears, returns to their previous environment with newfound strength and wisdom. In a school setting, this could involve the individual using their experience to help others facing similar struggles, perhaps by starting an anti-bullying campaign, creating a support group, or simply being there for others. Educators can nurture this stage by providing opportunities for students to become peer advocates against bullying, fostering a school culture rooted in mutual respect, empathy, and support. With support from teachers, parents, and peers, students can feel empowered to transform their traumatic experiences into powerful narratives of triumph and resilience.


In conclusion, the hero's journey framework is not just a literary tool, but a valuable psychological blueprint that reflects our resilience and capacity for growth. By applying the stages of the hero's journey to the context of anti-bullying, we create a structured model for empowerment, allowing victims to navigate through their experiences not as passive subjects, but as active heroes of their own stories. This approach redefines their struggles, framing them as precursors to personal development and self-discovery.

Finding new ways to inspire kids to write and communicate effectively is one of my life’s work which is why I include many fun activities in our writing classes to inspire the next generation of thinkers. Want to learn more about our story writing classes? Check us out here.

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